Frequently asked Questions
1. If Arbonne has been around for almost 30 years, why has it never come to the UK before now?

Arbonne has carefully monitored its business within the US and has waited until now to go global. Most big companies scattergun their business into other countries as soon as they start to be successful. Arbonne waited till its growth was in huge momentum first. Arbonne’s CEO won the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the year award 2006 when it announced it was going global – joining Michael Dell of Dell computers in this prestigious award. It’s the only company we know of which has waited 29 years before going global. This is literally what makes Arbonne the “unique” opportunity it is.

2. What makes Arbonne different to Avon?

Arbonne’s products are Swiss-formulated and botanically based. No chemicals, toxins or mineral oils are used. Preservatives are at a 0.01% level – we believe the lowest on the market today. Avon reps cannot build an International business. Arbonne consultants are encouraged to expand into other countries. customers order and pay via the internet and we dont have to handle money or products. No door to door calling!

3. This sounds like one of these pyramids we saw in the 80’s?
Quite the reverse. In fact, pyramid schemes are illegal and would not be allowed to trade within the UK. Arbonne is an honoured member of the Direct Selling Association in the United Kingdom and in fact was nominated in their top three companies by DSA for the best new seller award.
Pyramids don’t have products. Arbonne has consumable botanically based skincare products.
Pyramids have someone at the top, pulling in the money and everyone below him paying money hoping to get to the top of the pyramid before it collapses. People inevitably lose their money as it disintegrates. Arbonne pulls everyone up to the top with them, helping and supporting their consultants to grow their businesses…. there’s room at the top for everyone in Arbonne, and the money earned is a reflection of efforts put in. The person at the lower level in Arbonne can earn more than the person at a higher level, and can in fact even overtake them! It is a very fair business. Pyramids rarely last more than 3 years. Arbonne is almost 30!

4. Is this a get-rich-quick scheme?
No. It takes time, effort and patience. Get-rich-quick schemes are short-lived … Arbonne provides residual income for the rest of your life if you work consistently at it. As your network grows, so does your income. It’s simple arithmetic. The people who are most successful are the people who have stayed the course. There are three stages everyone in this business goes through.
First trimester: “It’s not worth it” (so much effort put in so far, for not much return)
Second trimester: “It’s worth it”. (The groundwork has paid off, your network is growing and so are your paycheques)
Third trimester: “I’m not worth this much!” (Your income has grown beyond your dreams … all the work you put into this in the first trimester seems to be being rewarded in multiples! )

Everyone goes through all three stages – the first trimester is the longest – don’t be disheartened … those before you have proved if you stay the course, it’ll work!

5. I’ve read blogs on the Internet – I am worried that they are right?
Blogs are unpoliced and unvetted. Bloggers rarely give their names and never their contact details … apart from their “blognames”. Think of the person who introduced you to Arbonne … do you trust what they say more than a blogger you’ll never meet? Ask the successful people in your upline for information – please don’t take advice from an anonymous blogger … would you take medical advice from someone on the Internet who disguises their identity and has obviously an axe to grind? Or would you consult a doctor, who has proven he is good at his job? Why would you treat your future any differently?
Type “Harrods”, “Virgin Atlantic” into Google /trip advisor. You’ll see all the uncomplimentary blogs / rip-offs there too … but we know these companies are top drawer, so we use them regardless. Arbonne is up there with the best.

6. How long will it be till the UK market is saturated?
Arbonne has been in the US for 30 years and only 20% of Americans have heard of it. Arbonne will be considered in momentum in the UK when there are 500 white Mercedes in the London area. When the UK market goes into momentum, Arbonne will expand into continental Europe and beyond. We will benefit, our network will grow and we will have people on our teams who don’t even speak the same language as each other!
7. Can men do well in this business?

Men outsell women 4-1 in this business … rather than get caught up in the product range, men focus on the business … they know how much they and their partners spend on cosmetics. Men are more aware than ever about their own skin care regime and are fast becoming the big-spenders in the cosmetic market!

8. Why are the products different from other skin care ranges?

There’s .001% of any chemical in the products.
All alcohols are plant alcohols not chemical.
All the science is good science from plants.
All of the ingredients are FDA approved, meaning they’re safe for edible consumption
Our skin has a natural affinity to plants & accepts the ingredients down to the base of the dermis level of the skin, just above the subcutaneous fat layer.
85% money goes into product research at AIRD.
The quality of the plants are from the highest, purest source & therefore very active & work!
Exceptionally high concentration of plants contained in each product – the hand cream alone has 52!
Arbonne is free from mineral oils (which are banned in Switzerland for cosmetic use). Arbonne is phalates –free, toxin-free, chemical-free and lanolin-free. Arbonne has never been tested on animals. A human voluntary panel of 100 people test all our products. If one person has a reaction, it is taken back to the drawing board to be reformulated!
Arbonne has the Swiss flag of approval on all its products. Companies have to work hard to earn that.

9. Why will they never be sold in shops?
Retail stores require all products have between a 5-8 year shelf-life. For that to happen, there has to be a considerable level of preservatives in the products (to keep them from going off in the bottle). Arbonne will not compromise its product by raising the level of preservatives required. Arbonne is sold through its network of Independent Consultants and may be sold in outlets where there is an appointment system and shelf life therefore is not an issue.
10. My skin went pink when I used it for the first time – is this normal?
Yes. This is very normal. What is happening is that Arbonne products, because they are PH correct, will take your skin back to its proper PH. Also, the products are botanically based, from plant extracts, which will mean your skin will oxidize, and the result is your skin will go pink (or have a glow). This will be short-lived (2-3 days). As your skin settles into being at the correct PH level, it will lose the pink colour . As long as you continue with PH correct products from now on, your skin will remain healthy.

11. Don’t you need to be a sales person to be a Consultant?

No. You are simply recommending to your network of contacts that they shift their spend from their normal shop (Boots, Superdrug, Space NK) and buy from their own shop, where they not only get a discount on high-end products which are safer for their skin, but they are also paid on their spend.

12. Don’t you need to know a huge number of people to succeed at this?
No. If you want to do this as a serious business, you need to find 4 people in your network who you would like to work with on Arbonne. They will duplicate you, and so on. Caroline McFarlan’s network has grown to well over 9,000 people. She has personally signed up only 6 business builders in that time.

13. Who is the most likely person to become a consultant?
The person standing next to you in the supermarket queue. As long as they have skin. This is not above and not below anybody. Never prejudge a person …. because you don’t know what is going on in someone’s life. Arbonne has something for everyone. Talk to people about it. You owe it to them.
14. How many hours do you work a week and what do you in that time?

You spend as much time as you want to. You can move fast or slow in this business, fitting meetings and phone calls into the nooks and crannies of your life. Work consists of either phone calls to contacts, telling them about Arbonne and the Opportunity, or doing the same in a coffee shop / hotel / your kitchen. You will also be expected to give samples to people to test the product. Occasionally you may want to talk to a small group of people in your network, to save time on one-on-ones. This is entirely optional. A Regional Vice President will on average spend about 10 – 15 hours a week having such meetings in places like Starbucks and Costa! Most consultants would agree it doesn’t feel like work.

15. I work full-time. I don’t have a lot of time to spend on this. Can it still work?

Absolutely. If you have the contacts, we will make the time to spend with them while you are at work in your “day job”. Wherever possible, it is an advantage to come along and be part of the meeting, so you can absorb some of the information and learn how to do the business. All you ever have to do in this business is to duplicate the successful people in your upline.

16. How much can you earn?
That depends on the effort you put into this business. On average, Consultants earn £25 – £100 a month. District Managers earn £100 – £400 a month. Area Managers earn £400 – £1,200 a month. Regional Vice Presidents earn £1,200 – £9,000 a month and National Vice Presidents earn £8,000 – £24,000 and beyond!… Please note these are averages …. it really all depends on commitment, volume and duplication within your team. Everything is possible.

Arbonne Europe Sarl, Bundesstrasse 3, Postfach 4028, 6304 Zug, Switzerland.

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